Your Privacy and our GDPR policy

At Trident, we value your privacy and our GDPR responsibilities seriously. We are committed (have always been and will always be) to handling your personal data honestly, ethically, with integrity and in accordance with applicable laws.
Please see how we are meeting GDPR requirements:

Trident Industrial Safety Limited is committed to protecting your personal information by processing it responsibly and safeguarding it using appropriate technical, administrative and physical security measures.

This privacy notice below explains the information we gather about you, what we use that information for and to whom we give the information.  It also sets out your rights and who you can contact for more information or queries. This notice applies to current and former clients. Information about you which we processWe may collect through our website or on our social media platform information about you which you provide to us through our online system or through our normal order processing and financial systems.  

This information may include your name and contact information; we do not gather gender/age/date of birth information through any of our processes.  Through our course booking applications we may include so called “special categories” of personal data such as “dietary requirement” or “mobility requirements”

How we use information about you
We collect and process information about you and/or your business to enable us to provide our services to you, to enable us to provide you with information that we think may be of interest to you and in order to meet our legal or regulatory obligations.
Where we provide you with information that we think may be of interest to you in newsletters or by direct email communication and you have the right to unsubscribe at any time by following the unsubscribe instructions in our communication.

Sharing and transferring your information
Your data is not shared with third parties, except for other reasons to comply with a legal obligation placed upon us.  We do engage third party service providers, agents and other associated organisations for the purposes of completing contract services on our behalf.  We only disclose personal information that is necessary to deliver the service. We have a data processing contract in place with such third parties to ensure data is not compromised. Third parties must implement appropriate technical and organisational measures to ensure the security of your data.If you have any questions or comments about privacy issues or wish to exercise any of the rights set out in this notice, please write to Data Protection Officer, Trident Industrial Safety Limited, Head Office, Unit 5, Westpoint Trade centre, Ballincollig, Co.Cork. email;


In this notice:
“Data Protection Legislation” means the EU General Data Protection Regulation 2016/679; together with all other applicable legislation relating to privacy or data protection. Specifically; GDPR
1. Who this privacy notice applies to and what it covers
This privacy notice applies to Trident Industrial Safety Limited and the entities we own or control with offices at:
    •          Unit 5, Westpoint Trade Centre, Ballincollig, Co. Cork, Republic of Ireland;
    •          International House, Corballis Park, Dublin Airport, Republic of Ireland;

We are committed to protecting your personal data and processing your information in an open and transparent manner.This privacy notice sets out how we will collect, process, store and protect information about you when:
i) providing services to you or our clients;
ii) when you use “our Website”; or engage with our social media platforms
iii) performing any other activities that form part of the operation of our business.
When we refer to “our Website” or “this Website” in this policy we mean the specific webpages of this privacy notice, your information is sometimes called “personal data”. We may also sometimes collectively refer to processing, collecting, protecting and storing your personal data as “processing” such personal data.

2. What information we collect 
We may collect through our website or on our social media platform information about you which you provide to us through our online system or through our normal order processing and financial systems.  This information may include your name and contact information; we do not gather gender/age/date of birth information through any of our processes. 
Through our course booking application forms we may include so called “special categories” of personal data such as “dietary requirement” or “mobility requirements”We collect financial information regarding credit card details but we do not share/record or keep these details on file.  All credit card details are destroyed as soon as the credit card has been processed and we do not keep any personal details of credit card transactions for longer than is necessary for the transaction to be completed. 
In the course of providing services to you or our client and performing due diligence checks in connection with our services (or communicating with you regarding possible services we might provide), we may collect or obtain personal data about you in order to comply with audit procedures required by international legislation regarding our services.Data we may collect:
Your name, contact details including email and mobile phone number, address (business only) , credit terms, qualifications (course related only), dietary requirements (course related only), business history with us.
We may retain employment and education details (for example, the organisation you work for, your job title and your education details); your postings on any blogs, forums, wikis and any other social media applications and services that we provide; your IP address, your browser type and language, your access times; complaint details;
The personal data we collect may also include so called ‘sensitive’ or ‘special categories’ of personal data, such as details about your: dietary requirements (for example, where Trident provides training courses we provide you with lunch and coffee breaks; health (for example, so that we can make reasonable accommodations for you in our buildings or at our training events)If you fail to provide us with this information, or you object to us processing such information consequences are that we may be prevented from processing your instructions or continuing to provide all or some of our services to you or our client.

3. Information provided by or about third parties 
Where we are provided with personal data about you by our client or another third party, we take steps to ensure that the client or other third party has complied with the data protection laws and regulations relevant to that information; this may include, for example, that the client or other third party requires a copy of your professional qualifications and has obtained any necessary consent for us to process that information to ensure the correct delivery of our DG Services.

4. How we use information about you
We collect and process information about you and/or your business to enable us to provide our products and services to you and in order to meet our legal or regulatory obligations.
Seek your views or comments on the services we provide/activities we undertake in the form of evaluation questionnaires.
Notify you to changes to our servicesSend you communications that might be of interest to you regarding dangerous goods compliance.In addition, some of your personal data may be used for other business purposes.
Examples of the types of uses are set out below: Use of personal data to provide services to our clientsWe may also use your personal data to conduct due diligence checks relating to the services we provide to our clients. 
We may use personal data to confirm that your qualifications are current and that mandatory training has been completed in order for you to conduct business with us.

Use of personal data for other activities that form part of the operation of our businessWe may also use your personal data for the purposes of, or in connection with: applicable legal, regulatory or professional requirementsRequests and communications from competent authoritiesRecruitment and business development purposes (for example testimonials from a client’s employees may be used as part of our recruitment and business development materials with that employee’s permission)protecting our rights and those of our clients.
In addition to the purposes connected to the operation of our business above, we may also use your personal data collected via our Website: 
a) to offer a service on our Website
b) to manage and respond to any request you submit through our Website.
c) to process an application form for one of our training services
d) to process information regarding our e-learning platforms

5. The legal grounds we use for processing personal data
We are required by law to set out in this privacy notice the legal grounds on which we rely in order to process your personal data. We rely on one or more of the following lawful grounds:
– you have explicitly agreed to us processing your information for a specific reason;
– the processing is necessary to perform the agreement we have with you or to take steps to enter into an agreement with you;
-the processing is necessary for compliance with a legal obligation we have such as keeping records for tax purposes or providing information to a public body or law enforcement agency; or

The processing is necessary for the purposes of a legitimate interest pursued by us, which might be:
a) to provide our services to you or our clients and other third parties and ensure that our client engagements are well-managed;
b) to prevent fraud;
c) to protect our business interests;
d)  to ensure that complaints are investigated;
e) to evaluate, develop or improve our services or products;  or
f) to keep you or our clients informed about relevant products and services and provide you with information, unless you have indicated at any time that you do not wish us to do so.

To the extent that we process any special categories of data relating to you for any of the purposes outlined above, we will do so because either: (i) you have given us your explicit consent to process that data; (ii) we are required by law to process that data in order to ensure we meet our ‘know your client’ and ‘anti-money laundering’ obligations (or other legal obligations imposed on us); (iii) the processing is necessary to carry out our obligations under employment, social security or social protection law; (iv) the processing is necessary for the establishment, exercise or defence of legal claims or (v) you have made the data manifestly public.Please note that in certain circumstances it may be still lawful for us to continue processing your information even where you have withdrawn your consent, if one of the other legal bases described above is applicable.

6. Sharing your personal data
In connection with one or more of the purposes outlined in the “How we use information about you” section above, we may disclose details about you to the following recipients, or categories of recipients:
a) competent authorities (including courts and authorities regulating our services)
b) other jurisdictions outside the EEA where contracts and duties are performed on our behalf
c) your employer
d) credit reference agencies or other organisations that help us make credit decisions and reduce the incidence of fraud and other third parties that reasonably require access to personal data relating to you for one or more of the purposes outlined in the “How we use information about you” section above.

Importantly, any personal data that you contribute to these Social Media Applications can be read, collected and used by other users of the application. We have little or no control over these other users and, therefore, we cannot guarantee that any information that you contribute to any Social Media Applications will be processed in accordance with this privacy notice.

7. Transferring your personal data outside Ireland
We would only transfer your data outside Ireland if required by an investigation by a competent authority of another jurisdiction where your qualification data would be required for legal requirements.We may share your data with bodies outside of the European Economic Area. The reason for sharing with other countries is to facilitate our legitimate business interests in providing you with the contracted services where the business employees/contractors responsible for the provision of the service are based outside the EEA.

8.  Protection of your personal data
We use a range of physical, electronic and managerial measures to ensure that we keep your personal data secure, accurate and up to date. These measures include:
a) education and training to relevant staff to ensure they are aware of our data protection obligations when processing personal data;
b) administrative and technical controls to restrict access to personal data
c) technological security measures, including fire walls, encryption and anti-virus software; and
d) physical security measures, such as key code security to access our premises.

Although we use appropriate security measures once we have received your personal data, the transmission of data over the internet (including by e-mail) is never completely secure. We endeavour to protect personal data, but we cannot guarantee the security of data transmitted to us or by us.

9. How long we keep your information for
We will only keep the information we collect about you on our systems or with third parties for as long as required by the competent authorities or to comply with any legal obligation to which we are subject. This will involve us regularly reviewing our files to check that information is accurate, up-to-date and still required.

We will hold your personal data on our systems for the longest of the following periods: (i) as long as is necessary for the relevant activity or services; (ii) any retention period that is required by law; or (iii) the end of the period in which litigation or investigations might arise in respect of the services.

10. Yours rights
You have various rights in relation to your personal data. In particular, you have a right to:
 – the right to be informed about the data we hold on you and what we do with it; the right of access to the data we hold on you. More information on this can be obtained by addressing the data protection officer Any request for access to or a copy of your personal data must be in writing and we will endeavour to respond within a reasonable period and in any event within one month in compliance with Data Protection Legislation. We will comply with our legal obligations as regards your rights as a data subject. 
– the right for any inaccuracies in the data we hold on you, however they come to light, to be corrected. This is also known as ‘rectification’; 
– the right to have data deleted in certain circumstances. This is also known as ‘erasure’; 
– the right to restrict the processing of the data; the right to transfer the data we hold on you to another party. This is also known as ‘portability’; 
– the right to object to the inclusion of any information;
– the right to regulate any automated decision-making and profiling of personal data.

Sending you marketing informationWe may use your information from time to time to inform you by letter, telephone, email and other electronic methods, about similar products and services which may be of interest to you. You may, at any time, request a change to your marketing preferences by following the instructions in communications from us or contacting us by email/phone or unsubscribing from any information that we send to you via the internet.

11. Right to complain
If you wish to exercise any of the rights relating to your information set out above, or if you have any questions or comments about privacy issues, or you wish to raise a complaint about how we are using your information you can contact us in the following ways:
Write to: Data Protection Officer, Trident Industrial Safety Limited, Unit 5, Westpoint Trade Centre, Ballincollig, Co. Cork, Rep. of Ireland

12. Changes to this privacy notice
We may modify or amend this privacy notice from time to time. To let you know when we make changes to this privacy notice, we will amend the revision date at the top of this page. The new modified or amended privacy notice will apply from that revision date. Therefore, we encourage you to periodically review this notice to be informed about how we are protecting your information.

Thank you.
Trident Safety Group.